TrialX Year End Hackathon and Prompt-a-thon 2022

We had a very exciting hackathon in Dec 2022, where we challenged folks to develop solutions for the following two categories:
Prompt-a-thon Challenge
In the Prompt-a-thon, the challenge was to generate new ideas and prompts for creative writing or painting using ChatGPT, a large language model trained by OpenAI. The goal was to push the boundaries of natural language processing and come up with creative and inspiring prompts.
Hack the Genome with Distributed Computing Challenge
The challenge was to use distributed technologies such as Apache Spark to process large genomic files. The goal was to process large genomic files efficiently and come up with creative solutions to real-world problems.
What participants created in 2022 TrialX year-end hackathon?
Teams of like-minded individuals came together and worked on both the challenges. They created unique and innovative solutions using natural language processing and distributed computing. They used the provided tools and resources to generate prompts for creative writing and processed large genomic files to find solutions to real-world problems. We had two teams in hack the genome and three teams in Prompt-a-thon.
Double Helix (Syed Gufran, Tabinda Hillal)

Team Double Helix developed a comprehensive platform for the set up of AWS clusters using data bricks and connecting clusters to s3 storage and then doing analysis through Jupiter notebook.
Team Storm Chaser (Adil, Aqib and Aamir)
Team storm striker did an analysis on chromosomal data using the same architecture

Solo Squad (Faisal)
Team Solo Squad created an IOS app for communicating with chatgpt and had a feature of voice to text for easier searching

Team TrialX Vision (Mehreen)

TrialX Vision created a react website for creating beautiful images by sending prompts to stable diffusion
Test case generator (Isbah)

TrialX test case generator as the name suggests creates test cases for the website. You just have to enter the URL.
We thank the participants for their enthusiasm this year and look forward their participation in TrialX’ year-end hackathon 2023!
Here’s what we had announced to the participants about the TrialX 2022 Hackathon in Dec 2022
Are you ready to challenge yourself and push the boundaries of what you think is possible? Join us for our year-end hackathon and prompt-a-thon, where you’ll have the opportunity to work with a team of like-minded individuals to come up with creative solutions to real-world problems. This event is open to anyone with a passion for innovation and a desire to make a difference.
During the hackathon portion of the event, teams will compete to develop the best solution to a given problem. The prompt-a-thon will challenge participants to generate new ideas and approaches to a variety of topics. Prizes will be awarded to the top teams in both categories.
Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity to learn, grow, and make an impact. Register now to reserve your spot!
This year we are organizing two events – Hackathon and Prompt-a-thon
Date: 23rd Dec to 25th Dec 2022
In this Prompt-a-thon, participants will be given the challenge of using ChatGPT, a large language model trained by OpenAI, to generate prompts for creative writing or painting. The goal is to push the boundaries of what’s possible with natural language processing and to come up with creative and inspiring prompts for participants to use in their own writing or artwork.
AI is taking on a life of its own with new innovations such as GPT, ChatGPT, DALL-E, StableDiffusion etc. These large AI models can “speak” human language or “draw” images, all they need is a “prompt”.
We took an update from Cricket Corporate Cup and used prompt.
#Summarize this for a second-grade student
Original text

Here you can try for yourself with some prompt examples. You can even create art pieces with stable diffusion.
An API for accessing new AI models developed by
The goal of this Prompt-a-thon is to create (write or draw) something unique and innovative using these AI models.
Who: Anyone who can write a prompt! No technical knowledge necessary!
How: You will be provided access to ChatGPT and StableDiffusion. You can try as many prompts but you will submit your best 3 “creations” for evaluation by the judges.
Where: Remote and Srinagar office
When: 23rd Dec to 25th Dec 2022
Hack the Genome with Distributed Computing
As a developer, you’re no stranger to the challenges of working with large data sets. But when it comes to processing large genomic files, the challenges can seem even more daunting. That’s where hackathons focused on distributed systems come in.
A hackathon is a focused period of time where developers come together to build, test, and showcase their ideas for new and innovative systems for processing large genomic files. The goal is to push the boundaries of what’s possible with distributed systems and come up with creative solutions to real-world problems.
One of the key challenges of working with large genomic files is the sheer size of the data. Genomic data sets can be enormous, and traditional computing systems can struggle to process them quickly and efficiently. Distributed systems, on the other hand, are designed to handle large amounts of data in a scalable and reliable way. By leveraging the power of multiple computers working together, distributed systems can make it possible to process large genomic files in a fraction of the time it would take on a single machine.
Another challenge of working with large genomic files is the need for robust data management. Genomic data is complex and often requires specialized algorithms and techniques for analysis. Distributed systems can help with this by providing tools and frameworks for managing and analyzing large data sets in a scalable and reliable way.
Human genome is large and complex. As we move towards personalized medicine, processing the genome to identify drugs that work for an individual is a challenging task. This hackathon will focus on using distributed technologies such as Apache Spark or other technologies to process large genomic files. You will be provided with a large file and expected computation to performed on these files:
- Kmer counting —
- Sequence alignment —
Who: Developers who want to learn distributed computing and apply to real world bioinformatics problems.
How: You will be provided with a large genomic sequence and a cloud account with Apache Spark
Where: Remote and Srinagar office
When: 23rd Dec to 25th Dec 2022
Come join us in this exciting Hackathon/Prompt-a-thon on 23-25 Dec, 2022. Scan the code to register or Sign-up Now