DIA2017 Day 3 Highlights at Booth 2513 – Patient Engagement Solutions and Yoga Sessions on World Yoga Day
Our CEO is all head over heels for Yoga and the visitors at booth 2513 at #DIA2017 could not stay away from being affected by his enthusiasm for very long on International Yoga Day, 2017 #IYD2017.
He helped people lighten up with quick yoga moves among their busy exhibits and sessions, and made them realize the importance of yoga by organizing several, quick 15 minutes yoga sessions for our visitors and few other DIA attendees.
You can see folks from ClientLink and Qara pharma flexing some body and mind muscles during their yoga session at TrialX booth on #worldyogaday .
Apart from meeting and exhibiting our mobile research study app solution Appbakery and patient recruitment solution iConnect at our booth, we caught up with the session on Quantified Self Tracking – which discussed the support structure necessary for combining traditional clinical research with emerging technologies and how are tech tools being used remotely to minimize patient visits and allow much broader accessibility to clinical research.
The session was chaired by Jonathan Helfgott Coordinator for Regulatory Science Program, Johns Hopkins University and the speakers included Jennifer Goldsack from Clinical Trials Transformation Initiative (CTTI), Scott Weidley from ClinCapture and Keith Wenzel Senior Director, Solution Incubator, PAREXEL
Jennifer talked about challenges of electronic data and mobile devices in clinical trials and shared about CTTI’s Mobile in Clinical Trial (MCT) Program. The objective of this program is to develop evidence based recommendations to facilitate adoption of mobile technology in clinical trials.
Scott Weidley discussed about privacy and performance of storing the data collected from wearables and biosensors on cloud, and how it will transform clinical trials.
Keith Wenzel questioned if the data collected from the wearables like Fitbit are “Clinical Grade “ data, and discussed the complexities associated with wearables use in clinical trials.
June 22 is the last day of DIA2017 with few sessions in the first half to attend. We thank the Drugs Informatics Association for providing us a platform to showcase our #patientengagement and #patientrecruitment solutions, give us a chance to meet a gathering of such wonderful, curious and innovative folks, and for a series of extremely informative talks and sessions.
We look forward to #DIA2018!